Virginia Bourget

It’s so nice to hear from all of you. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know my fellow travellers and am deeply grateful to Eric, Angel and Tom for easing my first solo travel in many, many years.
Incredible birds (from the flamingos and giant lizard cuckoo to the tiny bee humming bird), people, and gorgeous views won’t be forgotten!
All the best to you and if you ever want to visit the Capital, know you have a place here!

Jo-Anne Allison and Doug Heard

Hi Everyone,

We are indeed back in Prince George and we’ll miss the fantastic sun, sand and hospitality we enjoyed in Varadero for a few extra days after our birding trip.

Thanks Tom, for organizing this amazing holiday.  We saw wonderful birds, great landscapes, stunning architecture, and met interesting people as we traveled with Cuba1.  More important to us, we learned first hand about some of  the issues that are of concern to the Cuban people.

The trip was very well organized and you gave us a great “bird’s eye” view of life in today’s Cuba.  This was exactly what we had hoped for.

Tom, please convey our thanks to Eric and Angel for their many kindnesses to us during the trip.  We very much appreciate all they did and their patience with our many questions!

Thanks especially to you Tom, for all you did to make this trip happen!

Jo-Anne & Doug

Maureen McVarish

Hi everyone.

I’d like to agree with all that Jo-Ann says about this wonderful birding trip that we had the pleasure to attend. It left me with a lot more than great bird shots;  I can’t get the life we saw in Cuba out of my mind. The weather, the towns, villages, countryside and specifically the life, social, political , economic, etc.of the Cubans. I have been and will be doing a lot of Googling and reading, besides working on my pictures. Good thing we had a big dump of snow on Saturday night. Gives me an excuse to stay inside.

The power outages gave us only a very very small taste of what everyday life is like in Cuba.  I also would like Tom to pass on our gratitude to Eric and Angel for taking such good care of us during our tour. And thank to Tom for making it all happen. I will certainly be recommending it so hopefully Tom will continue to offer this tour.

Bye for now.


Terry and Dorene Kelsey

We totally enjoyed spending the time together with you guys. We have been having blizzard conditions here since we got back with whiteouts causing trouble on the 401 in our area.
Thanks for the birdwatching picture .
Give Eric and Angel Hugs  from us
as well as anybody else we have met in the past

Pat and Rick

Hi Tom,

I want to let you know how much we enjoyed our trip to Cuba. Eric, Angel and yourself were wonderful and readily attended to our needs, plus gave us some good laughs.

Not feeling up to par has kept me down but more important for me is that my computer battery died. I could see it was almost gone, so quickly transferred my Cuba pics onto a small external drive. I am able to view them on my small computer but I need larger views in order to edit them properly. Once my computer is fixed and ready to go (battery had to be ordered), I will get working on the photos and will get a video sent off to you. Could you please give me an estimate of how long you would like it to be.

I was disappointed that there wasn’t as much birding as I would have liked but, having said that, I was happy with seeing how people live and visiting the towns. I also love street photography, so it was a great mix. I did get my target birds and more, so it was a wonderful trip.

Thanks for everything.
